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Ep. 125: What Retirement Lifestyle Will You Choose?
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Ep. 125: What Retirement Lifestyle Will You Choose?

Once you decide to step away from your CRNA career, have you thought about how you want to spend retirement? As you get closer to that next chapter, it’s important to think through your lifestyle to help determine what kind of expenses you might incur and how much money you’ll need to cover it. Today we’ll tell you about the most common lifestyles that CRNAs choose and some of the financial considerations that come along with each option.

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Ep. 124: AANA Foundation Leading CRNAs Into the Future
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Ep. 124: AANA Foundation Leading CRNAs Into the Future

Advocacy is the driving force behind elevating our profession and continuing to push nurse anesthetists and CRNAs forward. One of the key people advocating for us is Lorraine Jordan, PhD, CRNA, CAE, FAAN. As the Chief Advocacy Officer for the AANA and the CEO of the AANA Foundation, Dr. Jordan works tirelessly for her peers and devotes countless hours to research that benefits us all. Today we want to spotlight the work she’s doing and learn more about the goals and purpose of the AANA Foundation as it leads us into the future.

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Ep. 122: How Goldie Brangman, CRNA, Broke Barriers Throughout Her Life
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Ep. 122: How Goldie Brangman, CRNA, Broke Barriers Throughout Her Life

Goldie Brangman, CRNA, might be known best for becoming the AANA’s first African-American president, but there’s so much more to know about her life and career. Today we wanted to celebrate everything she accomplished, including helping save Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s life, and we do so with the help of Nancy Bruton-Maree, CRNA, and Sandy Ouellette, CRNA.

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Ep. 121: Begin Your Path to a CRNA Non-Surgical Pain Management Practice
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Ep. 121: Begin Your Path to a CRNA Non-Surgical Pain Management Practice

There’s a growing need for pain management solutions in our country and it could be the next great opportunity for CRNAs. Cheryl Schosky, DNAP, MSN, CRNA, is one of only 89 CRNAs in the country with a non-surgical pain management certification and will share everything she’s learned about the practice and why she believes it needs to become an educational track for future CRNAs.

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Ep. 120: The Secret Middle East Mission CRNAs Took Part In
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Ep. 120: The Secret Middle East Mission CRNAs Took Part In

It’s like a story right out of a Hollywood blockbuster. One that involves predawn flights, heavy military ammunitions, and a Crown Prince from the United Arab Emirates. Most importantly, it’s a secret mission involving CRNAs. Join us as we get the first-hand account of this 2017 covert operation from Lt. Col Laura Wiggins, CRNA, who was a part of this flight into Yemen.

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Ep. 117: How Dr. Lena Gould is Improving Diversity in Nurse Anesthesia
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Ep. 117: How Dr. Lena Gould is Improving Diversity in Nurse Anesthesia

When you look at areas of the nurse anesthesia profession that need improvement, diversity would be near the top of that list. Thanks to Dr. Lena Gould, EdD, CRNA, FAAN, there’s a mentorship program in place that is helping facilitate entry into the profession for people of color. Today we’ll spotlight that work that’s being done, share Dr. Gould’s incredible journey to this point, and discuss ways to keep increasing diversity in the operating room.

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Ep. 116: Importance of Mentoring in CRNA Leadership Development
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Ep. 116: Importance of Mentoring in CRNA Leadership Development

For more than 20 years, the AANA Mentorship Program has played an integral role in the development of young CRNAs thanks to both the mentors and mentees that have committed to the annual event. Tracy Castleman, CRNA, has been deeply involved in the mentoring process so we asked her to join us to talk about the program, why it’s important for CRNAs to get involved, and what young professionals can expect to get out of this experience.

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Ep. 115: Summit Your Everest – A CRNA’s Story of Peaks, Valleys, and World Records
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Ep. 115: Summit Your Everest – A CRNA’s Story of Peaks, Valleys, and World Records

If you’re in the need for inspiration, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better story than the one that Jeanne Stawiecki, CRNA, will tell on this episode. Thanks to the power of positive and determined thinking, she went from smoking two packs of cigarettes each day to setting two Guinness World Records for marathon running and mountain climbing. It’s an incredibly powerful and emotional story and one you don’t want to miss.

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Ep. 114: Crucibles of Leadership with AANA CEO Dr. Randall Moore
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Ep. 114: Crucibles of Leadership with AANA CEO Dr. Randall Moore

Being the lead of an organization like the AANA takes a special set of leadership skills, but reaching that point doesn’t come without obstacles like uncertainty and doubt. Join us as we talk with AANA CEO Randy Moore, DNP, MBA, CRNA, about his journey to his leadership role and how he’s handled periods of self-doubt along the way.

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Ep. 109: Goodbye 2020 – How to Financially Prepare for 2021 and Beyond
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Ep. 109: Goodbye 2020 – How to Financially Prepare for 2021 and Beyond

We’ve finally reached the end of 2020 and everyone is looking forward to turning the page to a new year. These past ten months have been a financial burden on so many CRNAs and their family and friends, but now is an opportunity to assess your future and make the changes you need. Financial planning can feel overwhelming so we put together a checklist to guide you through the most important areas of your money.

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How To Financially Prepare for 2021 and Beyond
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How To Financially Prepare for 2021 and Beyond

When we celebrated New Year’s Eve a year ago, who could have guessed that 2020 would have gone the way it has? It’s worth taking a look back at the year to review the financial challenges that CRNAs have faced and consider these six strategies to put ourselves in a more secure position moving forward.

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The CRNA’s Quick Reference Guide To Working As An Independent Contractor
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The CRNA’s Quick Reference Guide To Working As An Independent Contractor

Becoming a CRNA independent contractor can be complicated, but very lucrative. Every day, our experts help freelance CRNAs from all across the country make sure they are taking advantage of all the opportunities that 1099 can bring. Whether you're a seasoned 1099 veteran or just starting out, our experienced team can review your situation to make sure you aren't missing out on some of the benefits of being a CRNA freelancer.

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Ep. 97: How COVID-19 Has Affected the Economy and CRNA Retirements
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Ep. 97: How COVID-19 Has Affected the Economy and CRNA Retirements

Jeremy and Sharon had a chance to speak at the 2020 NCANA/SCANA Virtual Meetings about the impact COVID-19 on CRNAs and their financial security. They’ll provide some eye-opening stats about the economy overall from the past six months and share the direct effect it’s had on CRNAs. But don’t fret, there will also be guidance on what you can be doing to get your financial future in order. Hear that full presentation on this episode.

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How COVID-19 Has Affected The Economy And CRNA Retirements
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How COVID-19 Has Affected The Economy And CRNA Retirements

For many years, the CRNA profession has been a relatively stable and financially secure career path, but the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc in countless ways all across the globe this year. As a result, many CRNAs have experienced reduced hours, furloughs, salary cuts and/or employer retirement plan changes.

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